테시오스 2014. 6. 6. 14:10

API 시험은 접수하면 아래와 같은 메일이 온다.

그럼 프로메트릭 센터로 가는 testing window만 선택하면 끝난다.

부산에는 갈 필요가 없다. 이 얼마나 간단한다. 

아 물론 우리나라에 해당 센터는 공덕에 2군데 밖에 없다. 

그래서 서울살아야 한다는거.ㅋ 

Individual Certification Programs

Telephone	202-682-8064
Fax	202-682-8348
Email	inspector@api.org

        1220 L Street, NW, Washington, DC  20005-4070  USA




Exam Eligibility ID: 


June 5, 2014

API 571 Exam Authorization




Thank you for your interest in taking the API 571 exam. Your application has been accepted and you have been authorized to take the exam in the English language within the following testing window:  August 15, 2014 through August 29, 2014


In the upper-left corner you will find your API ID and your unique Exam Eligibility ID. Your API ID should be used when you contact API.  The Exam Eligibility ID will be needed to schedule your exam at a Prometric testing center.


It is mandatory that you schedule your exam through Prometric at www.prometric.com/APIExams.  You will need to enter your last name and your Exam Eligibility ID. (Verify that your name is correct as listed above.)  You will then have the ability to:

·         Schedule your location, date and time to take your exam

·         Confirm your test appointment details

·         Reschedule within the same testing window


Please Note:

Ø  Seating at Prometric exam centers is limited and is on a first-come-first-served basis.  For the best chance of receiving your desired location and time, schedule your exam as soon as possible.

Ø  If there is no seat available at the location of your choice within this exam window, please check the availability at alternative locations. If you are still having difficulty finding a seat, please contact ICP by e-mail atICPexamcoordinator@api.org.

Ø  If you fail to schedule your exam within the specified testing window, you will need to reschedule to another testing window and additional fees will apply.

Ø  Rescheduling within the same testing window, will incur an additional fee of $70, payable directly to Prometric. 

Ø  You may not reschedule less than five (5) days before your exam appointment date.


If you experience difficulties with the online scheduler, contact Prometric at https://www.prometric.com/en-us/clients/pages/contact-numbers.aspx?client=APIexams.  If you have questions regarding this notice or need to cancel your exam, contact the API Individual Certification Program customer service department at 202-682-8064, or by email at inspector@api.org.

Best wishes,

ICP Team
